Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Who Knows That You're A Christian?

First of all, it is necessary that YOU know that
you're a Christian! Agreed? HOW do you know
that you're a member of God's family? Were
you "born" a Christian? NO. Our parents'
spirituality or church membership or standing
in the community does not make us a true
"child of God". Someone has said, "God has no
Did you become a Christian by going to Sunday
School or taking catechism or confirmation classes?
NO. A car doesn't become a tractor by hanging
around the barn.
Was your baptism, first holy communion, or
church membership the means of your becoming
a Christian? NO. Simple rites, no matter how
important or necessary they may be, do not,
indeed CANNOT make a person a Christian.
ONLY by realizing that one is born a sinner, with
the nature and tendency to sin, and that one
can not free himself from that enslavement, thus
confessing, repenting, and accepting God's Son,
Jesus Christ, can you become a Christian!!
What are the evidences that you are a Christian?
Does your family know of your spirituality? Do
your friends? What about your neighbors? Your
boss or coworkers? HOW? What do you DO or
NOT DO that tells them that you're a changed
person, a "new creation" as the Bible puts it?
Do you listen to or tell "off-color" jokes?
Do you criticize or gossip about others?
Do you swear? Do you use God's name wrong-
fully? Do you attend church? Do you carry
your Bible? Do you get offended when others
use God's or Jesus' names wrongfully? Are
you a charitable person? Do you show love in
tangible ways when another person or family
is in dire straits or has a pressing need? How?
Are you a "positive" or "negative" person?
Do you speak lovingly and glowingly about
your Saviour, your church and church family,
your own family, and others in general? Do you
get upset when things in the news are reported
as going against right and decency? DO YOU
PRAY? How often? When? Only when you're
in a bad situation yourself? Do you tell others
that you're praying for them? Do you say,
"God bless you!"? Do you send cards and
letters of encouragement and sign them with
a spiritual blessing or thought? Do you make
phone calls to lift other peoples' spirits? Do
you support missions, give regularly to your
church, tithe, help local foodbanks or thrift
stores? Have you invited anyone to church
or a Bible study, or to accept Jesus lately?
With our world in the sad state that it is in
right now, and with morality and ethics rapidly
going downhill, it is so important that you and
I, the people of God, take our stand, and live
our lives as befitting true believers in Jesus!

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