Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Are You Ready For "The Tribulation"?

There is much talk these days about the soon
return of Jesus Christ. Of course, people,
especially evangelists, pastors, and Bible scholars
have been predicting the event for centuries,
as early as the New Testament church.
BUT, the apostasy in the church world and
the very loud and visible decline of society
as a whole, in every corner of the globe, has
given new rise to talk and warnings about
the "Rapture" event and Jesus' return.
In the last few years there have been some
who have put forward a new "take" on the
Bible's warnings of "the last days", mainly
that "the Church" will go into the first part
(first half?) of the Tribulation period. I
strongly disagree, based on my decades of
reading and studying Scripture, and my
awareness of the character of God!
HOWEVER, it's very possible, and in fact
likely, that many who say they're Christians,
who may even attend church services, and
who are "good people" will still be around
after the "catching away" of those who are
saved and living for God and His Son!
The Bible says that God will not put His
"elect" through unnecessary trials and tests,
as they have proven Him and lived for Him
for their normal lifespan, or a portion of it.
At His ascension, Jesus promised His followers
that "I will come again and receive you unto
myself". This is known in Christian circles as
"the blessed hope", referring to His coming
back for "the faithful".
The Tribulation Period, as foretold in God's
Word, will be a 7-year span of time in which
evil will prevail, "all hell will break loose", and
the opportunity to become a Christian will be
severely restricted, as the Holy Spirit, who is
quite present in the world today, will be taken
out, and very few will probably sieze the
opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their
Saviour. Many will curse God, blaming Him for
their dilemma, when all along they refused to
accept the truth, even with the Gospel message
readily available as it is now.
Will you be strong enough to resist evil and the
madness that will surely be around you if you're
unfortunate enough to still be here on earth?
SOON! Give your heart and life to Jesus today,
and you won't have to worry about the future,
either here, or in eternity!!

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