Have you ever wanted to express the feelings
and thoughts that are deep inside you, yet kept
suppressing them for reasons unknown? Hear
what the Psalmist says in Psalm 45, verse 1:
"My heart is overflowing with a good theme;
I recite my composition concerning the King;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
(New King James Version)
What are some of the things that you've wanted
to say, either to God or others, but just didn't,
maybe because you were shy, timid, felt unskilled,
or just didn't know how to put into words those
special thoughts that you felt?
You don't need to be highly educated, or be a
Bible scholar, or be an ordained minister or
priest or teacher, all you need is to have a heart
for God, and an appreciation for all He's done!
My Mother didn't finish high school, yet she
penned some beautiful verses and writings,
some of which we offspring read at her home-
going service.
Have you ever tried it? Would you? Will you?
PLEASE! Make it a private journal if you want,
just put down a few of the innermost feelings and
prayers of worship or intercession that are a
part of your spirituality and your walk with God.
My favorite hymn is "In The Garden", which talks
about how my Saviour and I walk in closeness in
the garden of togetherness, and the "joy we share
............none other has ever known." You don't need
to share your writings with others unless God leads
you to do so. Turn back the pages from time to
time to remind yourself of what you've written,
and let it return you to that intimacy you and your
Lord shared and share!!
Our text Psalm is a tribute to the Messiah and to
His Bride (the church, which we are), and goes on
to say, "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever;
A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your
Oh, maybe you can't write like a psalmist, or
a prophet, or Solomon, or an apostle, but all
that you need do is express yourself in whatever
words or language is meaningful to you!
Try it! You may surprise yourself! And you
just might find yourself enriched in your worship
and in your closeness with your Creator!
You may discover yourself composing a 21st-
century Psalm or hymn! How special would that be!
I'd be eager to know and read some of what you
create, as it would probably serve to inspire me
and any others who may read it!
PRAY about it! I'm praying for you.
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