Monday, October 19, 2009

With Wings Like.......Seagulls?!

I'm sure that you've read it many times, and
may have even sung the chorus as it's been put
to music, but Isaiah chapter 40, verse 31 has
a bit of a different meaning or twist to me than
the prophet wrote or intended. Let me explain:
Many years ago, when I was pastoring my second
parish, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, I was
experiencing some difficulty in the church, and
with my ministry, causing me to question God's
will as to my calling, and as to my current post.
We had gone to visit family in northern Illinois,
just outside of Chicago, where there is a state
park, namely the Illinois Beach State Park, in
Zion, Illinois. The park hosts a Holiday Inn, miles
of hiking trails, a camping area, a wildlife sanctuary,
and, of course, a beach along the western shore
of Lake Michigan. On a clear day, you can see
the city of Chicago's outline against the sky.
This was a favorite retreat of mine when I
needed to spend some alone time with my God
and my inner self.
On this particular day, with the problems of my
ministry weighing heavy on my heart, I excused
myself from the family and went to my "secret"
place. It was a cool, very cloudy day, with the
usual wind blowing in off of the lake, so I had
bundled up against the elements, determined to
seek a direction or approach to the situation.
Finding an old piece of seawall, I sat down and
began to pray, meditate, and sing, an unlikely
scenario, considering the weather, but the
conditions around me were miniscule compared
to the storm brewing within me.
While sitting there, I looked around, up and down
the shoreline, and realized that my only company
were some seagulls that soared and dived into the
wind and the lake before me. No doubt they were
searching for food, going about their normal
business, but I was intrigued and entertained by
them, a bit of a diversion, I thought, from my
intention of resolving my issues.
Numerous songs and choruses flooded my mind
and voice that day, until I finally came to the
one based on our text. Having seemed unaffected
by anything around them for probably an hour
of so since I had invaded their territory, a
strange happening occurred that gave me the
peace and assurance that I was seeking.
As I was crooning the words, "They that wait
upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they
shall mount up with wings like......", suddenly,
and without any noticeable provocation, the
entire flock of hundreds of seagulls left the
sandy beach and soared as one into the grey
sky in front of me!! Eagles? No, no, not any
more, not after that precious moment! I have
a respect and reverence for eagles, but from
that day on, when I think about this verse or
sing it, it's "seagulls" that I think of and sing about,
as I believe God had an angel swoop down and
caused those birds to minister to my troubled
The problems were not problems anymore, as
I left that place encouraged and uplifted, ready
to face whatever the future held, strengthened
by hundreds of God's "little" creatures who played
a "BIG" part in restoring my spirit and resolve.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What Did "The Father" Experience?

Scripture is replete with accounts of fathers who
agonized over the losses or pending losses of their
sons. Adam's son, Abel, was killed by his brother.
Abraham was a heartbeat away from plunging a
knife into his son, Isaac. Jacob was told by eleven
of his sons that his son, Joseph, was lost forever.
The father of the Prodigal had his heart broken by
his son's insistence on leaving home and spreading
his wild oats.
As terrifying and agonizing as these and other
such events were, the classic example of a father's
emotional distress and suffering is that which God,
the Father, experienced during Jesus's life and trials.
While we place a lot of emphasis on the discomforts
that the Saviour endured from birth to death,
and rightly so, I'm inclined to believe that we
rarely think about what our Father in Heaven felt.
Try to imagine, if you can, what angst the heart of
our Father God experienced from His Son's being
born in a stable, through to His unimaginable death!
DOES GOD "HURT"? We read in Holy writ that
God "sorrows", "repents", and "grieves", so why
ought we not to believe that the environs of Heaven
shook with agony as Jesus's torments occurred?
Sought to be killed shortly after His human birth;
rejected by scholars, the religious, governors and
kings; and deserted by some of His disciples, Jesus
knew heartaches, all shared from above by His and
our Father.
Not for a moment could I ever believe that His
Father revelled in the Son's emotional or physical
sufferings. From Judas's betrayal, to the arrest in
the garden, to the crowd's calls for Him to be crucified,
the pains and pangs of our sins surely affected both
the Architect and the Builder of our SALVATION!!
Stripped, scourged with the "cat-o-nine tails", a
makeshift crown of thorns piercing His head and
temple - all of these were repugnant in the eyes and
ears of Jesus' Father who was watching from above!
Watching Jesus carry the crosspiece of the instrument
of His death; seeing the soldiers offer Him sour wine
and gall; hearing the sounds of the hammers as they
strike the nails into Jesus' wrists and ankles; witnessing
the piercing of His Son's side - you and I could not be
so brave - only the Author of our redemption could
force Himself to be party to such tragedy - brought
about because of our waywardness.
Sorrow - that sin brought the Son to earth and caused
Him such suffering.
Pain - that He probably felt, too, as Jesus writhed in
His flesh.
Remorse - for Satan's rebellion, deceit, and sin that
passed on to all of mankind.
Anger - at those who acted out the final moments in
our stead - we all are responsible for what
took place that day!
Exultation - that the sacrificial price for our sins was
paid, and sin's power and penalty were
available for removal from "whosoever will".
Relief - that Jesus had to suffer no more.
Joy - that every man, woman, and child who accepted
the Son would be "adopted" into God's eternal/
Heavenly family.
Celebration - for Jesus returning to His rightful place
at the Father's right hand.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Passing Along A Godly Heritage!

In our last reading, I encouraged you to develop a
documentation of your experiences with God, to
bless your own heart, and to serve as reminders of
God's faithfulness to you over the years.
Today, let's carry the theme a bit further - for
the sake of your children, your grandchildren, your
great-grandchildren, and any other generations to
come, should Jesus delay His return.
Psalm 145 is a great passage to read, and I encourage
you to do so now, before going on in this treatise.
In particular, verse 4 states "One generation shall
praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your
mighty acts." WOW!
Think about the implications of doing such a thing!
Think about the ramifications of writing and listing
the blessings of God, answers to prayer, miracles,
not the least of which was your conversion! It's one
thing to "preach" to your kids and other family
members, it's quite another to recite and write the
numerous positive events that God has inserted into
your years of life!
How did you become saved/a Christian? What events
or circumstances led up to your decision to accept
the Saviour and make Him Lord of your life? Who
played significant parts in your coming to terms with
His invitation and offer to you?
How many financial miracles have you received?
How many times has God healed your body? Your
mind? Your relationship(s)? Your marriage? Your
How has God used you to be a blessing to others?
Take the time to sit and remember - many exciting
and glorious happenstances have occurred to you
The Bible, both Old Testament and New, gives
encouragement to you to "pass the faith along",
as the song goes. Timothy was greatly influenced
The stories are endless, what all you have encountered,
and need to be shared with those loved ones who
come after you. Generations to come may be blessed
by your story of God's love and care for you!
Ready to write? Good.
Remember, don't just write, tell your children and
their children about the goodness of God - only time
and eternity will tell what impact your testimony
will have on their eternal souls!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

What's In Your Heart? Express It For God's Sake, And For Your Sake!

Have you ever wanted to express the feelings
and thoughts that are deep inside you, yet kept
suppressing them for reasons unknown? Hear
what the Psalmist says in Psalm 45, verse 1:
"My heart is overflowing with a good theme;
I recite my composition concerning the King;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
(New King James Version)
What are some of the things that you've wanted
to say, either to God or others, but just didn't,
maybe because you were shy, timid, felt unskilled,
or just didn't know how to put into words those
special thoughts that you felt?
You don't need to be highly educated, or be a
Bible scholar, or be an ordained minister or
priest or teacher, all you need is to have a heart
for God, and an appreciation for all He's done!
My Mother didn't finish high school, yet she
penned some beautiful verses and writings,
some of which we offspring read at her home-
going service.
Have you ever tried it? Would you? Will you?
PLEASE! Make it a private journal if you want,
just put down a few of the innermost feelings and
prayers of worship or intercession that are a
part of your spirituality and your walk with God.
My favorite hymn is "In The Garden", which talks
about how my Saviour and I walk in closeness in
the garden of togetherness, and the "joy we share
............none other has ever known." You don't need
to share your writings with others unless God leads
you to do so. Turn back the pages from time to
time to remind yourself of what you've written,
and let it return you to that intimacy you and your
Lord shared and share!!
Our text Psalm is a tribute to the Messiah and to
His Bride (the church, which we are), and goes on
to say, "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever;
A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your
Oh, maybe you can't write like a psalmist, or
a prophet, or Solomon, or an apostle, but all
that you need do is express yourself in whatever
words or language is meaningful to you!
Try it! You may surprise yourself! And you
just might find yourself enriched in your worship
and in your closeness with your Creator!
You may discover yourself composing a 21st-
century Psalm or hymn! How special would that be!
I'd be eager to know and read some of what you
create, as it would probably serve to inspire me
and any others who may read it!
PRAY about it! I'm praying for you.