As a part of his "Sermon on the mount" discourse,
and immediately following the Beatitudes, (get it-
be-attitudes?) Jesus gives encouragement amidst
warning to his followers/disciples about our
witnesses and testimonies to the unbelievers around
He said that we can expect to be misunderstood,
(to put it mildly), repudiated, rebuked, and even
have physical harm inflicted FOR HIS SAKE!
This is a hard saying, and one that we wish were
not reality, yes? But know, Christian friend,
that the more you stand for the Saviour, and for
truth, and the Gospel the more you can expect
to be unappreciated, demonized, and attacked
both verbally and physically.
But He did say, "BLESSED ARE YOU"! In other
words, you can be happy and rejoice when your
life and words and deeds that honor your Lord
are rejected! BLESSED! Happy! Honored!
It is an honor to be disliked and even hated for
standing up for the TRUTH OF THE GOSPEL!
Are you being reviled? Persecuted (for right-
eousness sake)? Are you "salt"? Salt is a
seasoning and a preserver - your status as salt
means that you are adding to the zest of the
lives of those to whom you are witnessing,
whether by example or words!
are helping to preserve their souls for eternity!
Some have misunderstood my writing of a
"patriotic" blog, which is linked to this blog,
hopefully an "inspirational" one. A dear Sister
in Christ inferred that we should concentrate on
the "positive" more than the negative. She's
right. But some of us, including most or all of
the conservative bloggers, writers, and commenta-
tors, are Christians, as evidenced by the oft-spoken
and obvious-to-the-hearing-ear of whoever is
truly listening.
when He was here in the flesh!! Can we who are
called to do so do any less than oppose sin, evil,
and unrighteousness in whatever arena we see it?
Each one of us is called to be "salt" and "light" in
the lifestyle to which we have been called. Be sure
that those around you KNOW THAT YOU ARE HIS!!
Don't mind rejection - they're rejecting Jesus! Don't
worry about being misunderstood - the Holy Spirit
will take your words and ease them into your
listeners' hearts! Don't fear persecution - we who
are in love with "the lover of our souls" will reap
a "Well done, good and faithful servant!" when we
stand before Him at the judgment seat.
P.S. The scripture text for this blog is Matthew,
chapter 5, verses 1 through 16.
P.S.S. - If you're not being challenged or opposed
in your witness by family members, neighbors,
coworkers, or the community in which you live,
PLEASE go to God in prayer and ask Him what
you need to do differently to enhance your witness
and honor Him.
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