Monday, February 22, 2010

Heard any juicy morsels lately?

It's time for confession! As hard as it is to do,
I must admit to one ongoing weakness in my
character that I have struggled with for all of
my life, and which I believe I have made some
measurable progress with over the last few years.
That problem is negative speaking about another
person, which could and often does involve
I've asked God to give me a kinder, gentler spirit,
one which accepts every one of my fellow man,
but some people just make it hard to like them,
let alone love them as God's Word teaches us!
Heard any "good stuff" lately?
Proverbs chapter 18, verse 8 says, "The words of
a talebearer are like tasty trifles......." Do you
enjoy getting "the latest" on another person?
Especially if it's in a negative vein?
Are you often anxious to pass along what you
just heard? With a bit of embellishment, of course.
The issue is not just a matter of liking or not liking
a certain person or people, but our sinful human
nature seems to delight in another's plight.
Get my drift?
Are you spending an appreciable amount of time
on the phone daily to "catch up on the latest"?
Are you eager to see certain other people to get
their "news report" on mutual acquaintances?
Do you relish being the one who reports on
what you've heard or think you've heard, etc.?
How often do you add your commentary to
what someone has told you about another, making
it seem like "gospel", when it often is just lies
masking as news or truth?
Are you a talebearer?
Do you eagerly get the latest on certain persons
or a certain person so that you can take joy at
their problems or situation?
How many people do you not like, or dislike,
or even "hate"? Have you used that term when
speaking about another person? Why?
Verse 21 of our chapter says, "Death and life are
in the power of the tongue.....". Turn to the
New Testament book of James, chapter 3, please,
and read the first twelve verses. WOW!
Friend, let me caution you about a few things:
l. Gossip can cause you to have a hard heart.
2. Gossip can bring another person to ruin.
3. Gossip destroys friendships.
4. Gossip will interfere with God's workings.
5. Gossip will separate you from the Savior.
6. Gossip will limit who your friends are.
7. Gossip will cause you to be "branded".
8. Gossip can keep a group or church from
succeeding in its mission.
9. Gossip limits the positive efforts you need
to make on ensuring your salvation.
10. Gossip may ultimately keep you from
getting to Heaven!
STRONG WORDS, I know, but my concern is that
people of God, especially, allow the Holy Spirit
to control their tongues (hearts and minds first),
in order to preserve their eternal rewards!!
PRAY, and ask God to help you to inventory
your attitudes and actions, and help you to be
positive in your speech, making you an "uplifter"
rather than a "destroyer" of persons.

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