Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"He who has a generous eye......"

It's all over the news about the 7.0 earthquake
that hit our neighbor, Haiti. How utterly horrible
and devastating! The pictures are sometimes
almost too much to look at, what with the human
suffering in particular that we can see and feel
as the newscasts report the tragedy.
My heart is warmed, however, at the largess of
people all over the world, Americans especially,
who have been giving of their time, airplanes,
medical supplies, debris removal equipment,
and most importantly, MONEY!
Most of us are limited as to sending the needed
supplies and physical assistance required, but
we have picked up our phones and given, (not
pledged) our $10 donations repeatedly, until
millions of dollars have been collected immediately
for the relief efforts. How amazing! I have long
believed that our country, with its Christian
background and flavor, is the biggest donor to
hurting peoples around the globe, but this latest
outreach is A MIRACLE!!
Jesus said that we should "Do unto others as you
would have others do unto you.", the Golden Rule
as it's often referred to, and it is so gratifying to
see how we have responded and are responding
to the hurts and needs of Haiti.
Granted, the island nation has not been a "close"
friend over the years, what with dictators and
corrupt government officials suppressing the
populace and stealing their assets, as well as
the assistance provided on a regular basis by
caring peoples from the U.S.A. and elsewhere,
but the toll of human suffering, from deaths to
injuries to loss of family members, let alone the
witnessing of all the horrible scenes, has brought
out "the best" in us, and I thank God for it!!
Proverbs chapter 22, verse 9 says, "He who has
a generous eye will be blessed, for he gives of his
'bread' to the poor." (Bread punctuation mine.)
The pictures of suffering and the heartfeltness of
it have caused fellow-humans to sense and
respond to the needs of a devastated people, and
may God Bless Us, Everyone, for reaching out to
ease the pain and loss and suffering of Haitians.

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