Saturday, June 27, 2009


Good day, friend! My prayer is that you
are experiencing one of the best days of
your life, during one of the best times of
your life!
For a Christian, these are excitng days
and times.
The purpose of this blog is to encourage
you in your spiritual quest. I chose the
title "UPLIFT", because I hope to lift your
spirit(s) with my (His) words, I hope to
lift the person and name of Jesus higher,
and we who are His expect to be lifted
higher (bodily), maybe very soon!
While my main intention is to focus on
the words and teachings of the Saviour,
I will entertain the prospect of addressing
your questions or issues about anything
Biblical or spiritual. No, I don't pretend to
have or know all the answers, but I do
know "someone" who does! (Not Cindy,
though she does have great spiritual insight.)
Tumultous times are upon us. Politically,
spiritually, economically, governmentally,
and physically, people are struggling for
survival, hope, and peace. A major religion
offers these commodities through suffering,
self-sacrifice, and even suicide! What kind
of "god" would expect that from his followers?
What kind of "god" asks his adherents to take
their own lives and the lives of others?
Surely not the God of Judaism and Christianity!
While we have not been promised an idyllic
life or lifestyle, we have been guaranteed the
grace, strength, and love to endure the
vicissitudes of life, as we develop into the
"image" of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Our calling,
our mission, is to show His love to everyone,
which offers forgiveness for our sins, divine
assistance for daily living, and the promise of
spending eternity with Him!

P.S. - Those of you who pray, please pray that
I will have "the mind of Christ" as I
compose these blogs. Thanks.

P.S.S. - My email is

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