Monday, January 31, 2011


For decades now, there has been an ever-increasing
move/movement by organizations and our government(s)
to allow or give special rights to those who some deem to
be "different", namely those who have tendencies toward
physical or sexual involvement with those of their same
gender or sex.

Numerous local, national, and international groups have
been lobbying by various means to "get their message"
across and to "have their voices heard" by the general
public or the masses, or the majority of the population.
Marches, demonstrations, pressure on businesses and
governing bodies, etc. all have the same intention -
namely that of having the gay, lesbian, and homosexual
segment of our population accepted by granting the
identical privileges and rights that the so-called "straight"
citizenry possess.

This movement has been likened to women's suffrage,
prohitition, black equality, and the plight of illegal
immigrants, among others. Slowly but surely, the
"water is disintegrating the rock", as the old saying goes,
with more and more acceptance and support being
given to the homosexual causes with ever-increasing
fever and fervor.

I think that I understand the plight of the protestors
and proponents of the so-called "gay" rights militants,
and I agree that they have certain "inalienable" rights
to which they have not been party, for the most part.
I herewith offer my proposals for the granting of these
rights to the aforementioned:

1. Gays have the "RIGHT" to remain celibate, despite
their insistence on needing to interact.
2. Gays have the "RIGHT" to be counseled by qualified
persons or professionals as to how and why their
"tendencies" developed.
3. Gays have the "RIGHT" to be silent about their
aberrant thinking and behaviour.
4. Gays have the "RIGHT" to ask God for forgiveness.
5. Gays have the "RIGHT" to be mentally and spiritually
healed by the powers of the Scriptures and prayer.
6. Gays have the "RIGHT" to renounce their sin and
let God give them normal patterns of thinking, feeling,
and acting.
7. Gays have the "RIGHT" to become heterosexual and
live as God intended all men and women to live.
8. Gays have the "RIGHT" to be forgiven of all of their
sins, and to live a life unto God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
9. Gays have the "RIGHT" to reach out to others who
struggle with their sexual identities, with the hope of
rescuing them from lives of sin, and eternal damnation.
10. Gays have the "RIGHT" to keep to themselves and
not recruit our children, among others, to their
wrongful, SINFUL thinking and living.
11. Gays have the "RIGHT" to be guilt-free and live
with a clean/clear conscience.
12. Gays have the "RIGHT" to be ready to stand
before God when their time here is done, and/or to
be "rapture-ready" should Jesus return beforehand
to take His ransomed "home".
13. Gays have the "RIGHT" to be happy - and true
happiness is only available through the sacrifice
that Jesus offered up on Calvary's Cross!!!

May all of God's people pray for the healing of those
who have turned from righteousness, in whatever
manner, and seek their conversion to truth and

There you have it, my list of "GAY RIGHTS" that should
be posted in every public or private place where they
may congregate or matriculate, in the hopes of helping
them to be the IMAGE OF GOD that they were created
to be.

P.S. - Bible references to reinforce my positions are
as follows: I Corinthians 6:9 - "....homosexuals will
not inherit the kingdom of God." Romans 1:27 & 28 -
"men burned in their lust for one another....commiting
that which is shameful....God gave them over....."
Leviticus 18:22 - "You shall not lie with a male as
with a woman. It is an abomination." Genesis chapter
19 - (both young and old men of Sodom demanded
to have Lot's visitors (angels perceived to be men)
come out so they could have homosexual relations
with them) - the reason the city was destroyed!

P.S.S. - You can be "free" from your bondage, my
homosexual friend, if you'll trust God through his
Son, Jesus Christ to set you free. The Bible says,
"He who the Son sets free is FREE INDEED."!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"The Lord is............I shall not want."

We all know it well - maybe too well. What do I
mean by that? From Sunday School's early years
on, we have read, recited, memorized, and become
very familiar with the 23rd Psalm - the "Shepherd's
Psalm" as many know it.
What is my point? How is it, if it is, possible to
become "too familiar" with God's word?
Methinks that the recitation of a standard passage
of Scripture may have lost our Father's intended
import and impact. Bear with me, please.

Can you quote the verses right now? What do they
do for you or mean to you as you vocalize the
words? Is there emotion or feeling as you say them
by rote? Is it a reality that every time you hear,
say or think of these verses that "warm, fuzzy feelings"
come over you? Or are these statements just a
ritual of childhood learning that have lost their
meanings with time and our aging?

For a minute or two, hear me out as I attempt to
make a point of just a small part of this "foundation" of
our Christian faith and lives.
Is God your shepherd? What exactly does a "shepherd"
do? Basically, he PROVIDES the essentials of existence
for his charges, right? What are those essentials?
Food. Housing. Health. Safety. Relationship.

Do you find yourself the possessor of these basic
ingredients of life, especially your spiritual life?
Physical and spiritual food - are they yours daily?
Housing - is there a roof over your head at night?
Health - do you give thanks for health, strength,
and healing?
Safety - particularly spiritual, but physical, too!
Relationship - are you on a personal, conversational
basis with your Heavenly Father?
ALL of these are yours, whether you presently possess
them all or not. They're promised to you! They're
offered to you! They're available to you!

My concern is that some of us seem to feel that we and
our children "have to have" so much of what "life" (the
world) is offering, that we feel like second-class citizens
if we aren't "keeping up" with our friends and neighbors.
TRUE? Hey? Isn't it?!

WHY must we have all of the latest electronic gadgets
and games?
WHY are our children preoccupied with entertainment?
WHY do we think that we ought to have or deserve the
"toys" and "playthings" that worldlings possess?
Do the "X-Boxes" and "Playstations", and "Wii's" and
"Gameboys", etc. please God? Do they glorify Him?
OR......are they taking us away from Him?
God already drawn it for us?

"The LORD is my shepherd,", and He sees to it that I
have all that I need!! My fear, Friend, is that "the games
people play" are taking us away from the sheepfold and
from the Shepherd's ideal for us. Ideal. Look it up.
You'll find that the word describes the ultimate experience
and life that God the Father and Jesus the Son has planned
and intended for you!!

Will our attractions and involvements with the things of
the world separate us from "God's best", and even worse,
take our children and the generations to come, should
Jesus tarry, even further away from "the Shepherd"?
The apostle Paul, writer of much of the New Testament,
through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, put it this
way, "I have learned in whatever state (condition,
situation, mindset) I find myself, TO BE CONTENT".

Are you "content" with what God has given you, offered
you, made available to you, blessed you with? Do the
blessings of your spirituality and walk with God over-
shadow the "things" of the world? Or are you "wanting"
possessions, activities, involvements, and relationships
that would deter you and interfere with a closer walk
with your Heavenly Father, and Jesus, the Son?

P.S. Please don't misunderstand me - Christians may
and do have "fun" in life! Despite what the unsaved
may think or use as an excuse not to accept Jesus as
Saviour, Christians do smile, laugh, enjoy a "good"
joke or story, play games and sports, participate in
"board" (not 'bored') games, etc. The Christian life
is FAR from unexciting and uneventful - quite to the
contrary - everyday is filled with insights, pleasure,
quality friendhips, spiritual growth and learning, and